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St Meryl School

Learning, growing, achieving - TOGETHER

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March 19th 2021

 Two weeks into welcoming the pupils back, and we have made sure that everyone is active! This week I have taken photographs of some of the activities that have been happening BEYOND the classroom, starting with...

Our fantastic sports coaches who have been leading:

- Tables Tennis with Year 6

- Dodge Ball with Year 3

- Basketball with Year 4.

Rocksteady are back in the house - this time the bands are in their class bubbles, but still creating a wall of sound with guitars, bass, keyboards and drums.

Early Years have some new additions to their outdoors area, including a fully functioning water pump, and a mysterious sand pit without sand..

 Other highlights of the last 2 weeks have included:

- A Star of the Week from Early Years presenting me with my very own pine cone. 

- A child who chose to READ TO AN ADULT during Golden Time.

- Pupils wearing it red (and raising a lot of money) for Red Nose Day. 

And finally, a pupil who has become immortalised on our brand new banner, and just had to have his photo taken beside it. 

 We are still open for Nursery applications - spread the word, everybody!


