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St Meryl School

Learning, growing, achieving - TOGETHER

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If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 


Applying for a Place at St Meryl


We follow the agreed HCC admission policy to enable all children to start school in September.

To book a tour, please contact the school office at: or phone us at 0208 428 1695.

If you would like to apply, you can find all the information you need via: 

Hertfordshire Admissions Arrangements 2023/24


For all information about appeal arrangements: School appeals | Hertfordshire County Council



In-Year Admissions
An application to move between schools is known as an In Year application.  This is when a child transfers to another school outside of the usual transfer time for example, due to a change in address.  The easiest way to apply is via the online application form.  It can be accessed via: 

In year admissions – change school during the year | Hertfordshire County Council 

A Guide for Parents and Carers applying to Primary School for September 2023
