Story Time Videos
22.05.2020 - The Singing Mermaid

21.05.2020 - Where the wild things are

20.05.2020 - The Smartest Giant In Town

19.05.2020 - Hairy Maclary Shoo

18.05.2020 - The Wonderful Things You Will Be

15.05.2020 - The tiger who came to tea

14.05.2020 - Hairy Maclary

13.05.2020 - Five Minutes Peace

12.05.2020 - My Dad used to be so cool

Giraffe’s Can’t Dance - 11.05.2020

Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus - 7.05.2020

6.05.2020 The Story of the little mole who knew it was none of his business

Don’t Let The Pigeon Stay Up Late! 5.05.2020

Tyrannosaurus Drip 04.05.20

Guess How Much I Love You 01.05.20

There’s A Monster In Your Book 30.04.20

We Love Bunk Beds - 29/04/2020

Believe in Pixie Hart - 28/04/2020

The Same But Different Too - 27/04/2020

The Wonkey Donkey 24.04.20

The Gruffalo 23.04.20

Wednesday 22nd April - Boss Baby

Tuesday 21st April - Penguin

Monday 20th April - Cave Baby

03.04.20 Oi Frog

Elmer 02.04.20

Star in the Jar - Wednesday 1st April 2020

Dave - Tuesday 31st March 2020

Growing Frogs - Monday 30th March 2020

The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Lost and Found - 27.03.20

Charlie Cook’s Favourite Book - Thursday 26th March

The Great Dog Bottom Swap - Wednesday 25th March 2020

A Little Bit Brave - Tuesday 24th March 2020