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English at St Meryl School

 At St Meryl, English is taught every day either as a subject in its own right or through other subjects such as history, geography etc.

Children are encouraged to speak clearly and to articulate sentences accurately.

Daily handwriting takes place across the school and phonics in the Early Years, Key Stage 1 and into Key Stage 2 as and when necessary.



At St Meryl we believe that good quality synthetic phonics teaching is essential in developing children’s reading and spelling skills. It should be taught by teachers who understand what good quality phonics teaching looks like and know how to effectively support any children who may be struggling in their understanding of phonics. We start teaching phonics from Nursery with the aim and expectation that they will be confident and fluent readers by the end of Key Stage One.

lick on the link below to find out more about how we teach phonics at St Meryl School:



Children are encouraged to read widely and to develop a love of books. In guided reading sessions they are taught how to read words on-sight but also to read for meaning and develop their skills of inference and deduction.

We have our own banded reading scheme and children work their through this until they are confident enough to be 'free readers.' All children take home library books to share with their parents in addition to any scheme reading books.

Children are taught the craft of writing and given opportunities to write at length and for longer periods of time as their writing ability develops.

The document below shows the units of work typically covered in English lessons across the school.

The document below outlines the spellings taught in each Year group.
