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What's been happening at St Meryl this week?
Week 1 of the Autumn Term!
Fri 09 Sep 2022Some images of the first week back. Our core value this half term is enthusiasm, so here are some pictures of VERY enthusiastic children.
Sports Day 2022
Fri 22 Jul 2022Congratulations to Blue House - sports day winners for 2022!
Art Week
Fri 15 Jul 2022Some photos from Arts Week earlier this month.
Year 5 Mini Police Training
Fri 15 Jul 2022Year 5 completed their training with the Mini Police.
Summer Fete Library Opening
Sat 02 Jul 2022We welcomed Councillors from the Local Parish, who officially opened our fantastic new library. We were so happy to have our first Summer Fete in 3 years.
Books etc
Fri 17 Jun 2022An ex-pupil turned author visited to share her works, and the books we ordered for our graphic novels section of the library. We also finished our Queen's Jubilee stamp - a stamp completed by every member of the school, and then put together in a collage.
Queen's Jubilee Street Party
Wed 25 May 2022We celebrated the Platinum Jubilee with style at St Meryl! Our very own street party!
Year 5 Trip to Tolmers
Fri 13 May 2022After 3 years, Year 5 finally got to go back to Tolmers for our 3 day residential!
15th April 2022
Fri 15 Apr 2022Year 2 took part in a Great Fire of London workshop, and a photo of the victorious Year 4/5 football team - winners of the area tournament!
Stay and Play
Fri 25 Mar 2022We were overjoyed to bring back Stay and Play this month! The focus was Spelling. Thank you to all the parents that attended!