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SEMH and Wellbeing

We all have mental health – sometimes it is good and we may feel happy, confident and calm. Other times it can be poor and we may feel sad, lonely and angry.


Mental health is like physical health - the more we work out, the healthier our bodies will be. The same is for mental health – the more we pay attention to our mental health and how we feel, the healthier our minds will be.


It is ok to feel emotions such as fear, anger and upset. What is not ok is when these feelings become too big for us and we find it tricky to manage them.


On this page, you will find lots of information, activities and sources of support. Feel free to email Eloise Swain (SENCo and Mental Health Lead) if you come across a really excellent resource that you feel would benefit others in our school family.

Talking about mental health. A guide for parents and carers. An excellent resource with simple yet effective tips on talking to children about mental health.
