Week beginning 4th March
Mrs Geddes spoke to the children about Fair Trade. We thought about the fact that £2.00, roughly the cost of two big bars of chocolate, is enough to provide water, healthcare, education and employment for a person in some parts of the world.
Pancake day! We had great fun flipping pancakes and learning about Lent. Mrs Geddes set the children a challenge of beating some pancake world records for the highest toss of a pancake and the most flips in one minute. Mia managed 19-not quite a world record but a great effort!
We had a read-a-round today as part of our work this week to celebrate World Book day. All of the teachers rotated round to different classrooms to read their favourite stories to the children.
Some of our parents came in during the week to read to parents too-thank you! See our photos below.
We hosted our fair Trade coffee morning and much cake was consumed!
Also, in the Hall we had the Year 3 art gallery. The children show-cased their work to the other classes. Our arts ambassadors were on-hand to guide and support our visitors and get them involved in some hands-on art activities.
What a great way to end the week!