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St Meryl School

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26th November 2021

 We thought that we would share some of the pictures that we found in our archives to commemorate our 70th Anniversary as a school. Although it looks as though we will not be able to celebrate in the way that we intended, we are still grateful to the members of the community who sent or emailed photographs and information to us. We have learnt so much about our school! We will carefully archive these for when people get the chance to properly come in and have a look at them. 

 What was that noise echoing down the corridors on Thursday afternoon? It was Year 4, who were taking part in their first ever trombone lesson! Over the years, we have had intensive lessons from the Herts Music Service with Year 4 - including Djembe drumming and ukulele. But never have we had the opportunity to play the trombone. Although it was the first lesson, and some of us couldn't quite get them sounding like we wanted them to, I know that after much practise we will be confident to perform to the rest of the school. 
