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St Meryl School

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Happy New Year!

 After a festive holiday, one would think that by Friday afternoon in the first week back that children would be tired, and wishing for the weekend to begin. I took the opportunity of seeing for myself if this was the case. Clearly not! Firstly, some amazing portrait artwork in Year 3, and some fantastic Digital Art in Year 5. Upon leaving these classrooms, I was greeted by choruses of "Mama Mia" ringing down the hallway. Year 4 were in full voice. Year 6 were in the middle of what looked to be a serious discussion in RSHE (I didn't want to intrude), and when I made it down to Year 1 they were deep into explaining weather patterns of the U.K.! Year 2 were defying gravity in the hall with some amazing gymnastics balances, and when I made it to Early Years I was presented with a model house as a gift. What a great way to end the week. Big smiles, LOTS of different learning and NO tired faces! 