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Sports Relief and an another amazing assembly.

 Happy Sport Relief day, St Meryl! We some  creative costumes hidden amongst future Watford, Chelsea and Manchester United footballers today. This year we saw - Olympic athletes, martial artists, dancers, and even a couple of Rugby Players (who may or may not be inundated with House Points next week..) Thank you for your generosity - at last count we were at £197 and climbing. 

 It has been a busy week for Reception class, who worked tirelessly to perform an enthralling assembly which we all loved. Glockenspiel playing, more Makaton, bead strings and the greatest highlight - actual sounding out and writing of words on to whiteboards. These are huge steps for our young learners, and we are all so very proud of them! 

 To end the week, I was presented with a potato fritter as cooked by the Outdoor Learning group for golden time. no Friday takeaway needed!
