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Week 3: Getting More and More Normal

 While some children still learnt from home (and have made us ALL proud with  their AMAZING Remote Learning, I might add), the rest of us have showed some great classwork this week. 

 All the adults that work in Early Years have been full of praise for how rapidly the children have learnt new routines, and settled so quickly. There was a buzz of activity this afternoon when I called by - reading, constructing, being creative with colour - it was like a "party of learning"(copyright Mr Davies). 

 Friday afternoons are a good time to see the artwork happening in the school. We had Year 1 recreating Matisse's "The Snail", by choosing their own animals to represent with shapes. Year 2 were sketching self-portraits, many looking like mirror images of themselves. Year 3 were recreating some 3D shape sketches (very challenging!) and Year 5 were being artistic with their Scratch programs, creating games which may or may not be available in the forthcoming PS5 release of titles. 

 Year 6 had a very valuable circle time to end the week - something that we will all be continuing to do as we make the transition from lockdown to learning. Earlier in the day, just for fun, they tried an arithmetic challenge. Some children, in their words, "smashed it!"

  Amongst all this throughout the week, I read a fantastic descriptive story in Year 2, and was sent evidence of some crucial Home Learning - making a stocking for a pet hamster. Surely too early to think of winter festivals...?
