Week beginning 10th December
Christmas show week! Today was our dress rehearsal. Will it all come together tomorrow........?
Tuesday and Wednesday
Yes it did! This year our production is called 'The Christmas Commercial Catastrophe.' As usual the show is entirely scripted by teachers with Year 6 doing the links. Each class re-created a famous Christmas commercial. We had Elton John (not the real one!), Mr and Mrs Claus, the Bear and the Hare and Paddington to name but a few characters. Feedback from some parents was that it was our best show ever! Well done everyone!
Later that evening the choir performed again at the Carpenders Park Community Centre. This is an annual favourite for us and once again the children were amazing. Mrs Geddes was very proud.
Zoe and Mrs Geddes took the choir out again, this time to perform at Northwick Park Day Care Centre. We had such a fun afternoon, singing carols and even doing some Christmas dancing!
Today we sprung a surprise assembly and party for three members of staff; Mrs O'Connor, Mrs Richardson and Mrs Ferrier to celebrate the fact that they have been working at St Meryl for 20 years. They were super surprised with their flowers and books.
What a busty week at our lovely school!