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What's been happening at St Meryl this week?

  • Week 11... Something's Coming..

    Fri 27 Nov 2020

     This week, it was the turn of Early Years and Key Stage 1 to share their work. 

    Nursery and Reception made divas as part of their learning about Diwali. They all enjoyed the experience, especially the "squishiness" of the clay, but also adding some fabulous sparkle to their creations. 

     Year 1 made some advent candles that were so good that Miss Radha stuck them not on the wall, but on the windows! When the sun shines through them it will produce a lovely effect. 

     Year 2 resembled Henson studios with their puppet creations, all hand sewed - such a difficult skill to learn, but one done so well! They were invited to mend their Head Teacher's socks this morning, but so far there have been no takers. 

    Other highlights of the week: 

     - An imaginative Wanted Poster from a young man about a two-headed beast known as the Ashereus (golden chain required to defeat it, please). 

    - A newspaper article concerning the sighting of skeletons in the whereabouts of the Co-Op. The journalist who reported these events is optimistic, however: ("If we don't give up, then we will defeat the skeletons like a tiger catching a gazelle").

    - Year 5 have made greeting cards, including free-written poems that will be delivered to a care home next week. What a lovely gesture. 

     To finish the week, St Meryl, I had 2 visitors come to my office. They gave me a very special gift. I don't want to be speak out of turn, but maybe, just maybe Christmas isn't cancelled after all!

  • Week 10

    Fri 20 Nov 2020

     Although we don't have too many visitors at the moment, we still think it is important to put our best work up all around the school. This half term, there is a focus on English. Early Years have been writing some onomatopoeia words to describe the fireworks they saw.

    Year 2 wrote some Non-Chronological Reports about animals.

    Year 1 were able to showcase their finesse at capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! Great work, Year 1.

    Year 3 have made some fabulous Newspaper Reports based on The Three Little Pigs, many of which gave some journalistic bias towards the wolf! 

    Year 5 have dazzled with their retelling of Viking Tales - some even extending to novella-sized proportions!

    I had to also put in some wonderful examples of artwork by the fabulous Year 5 pupils. 

    Oh, and also a young man in Reception class who created his own reflected pattern using 3D shapes, and a couple of up-and-coming young journalists who are destined for a future career in the broadsheets very soon. 

  • Week 9 - Remembrance Day and Children in Need

    Fri 13 Nov 2020

     Highlights of this week have included: 

     - Early Years children creating Poppy prints using, of all things, celery and peppers. They were so good, that they were gathered together and attached to a tree outside Early Years. 

    - A smiling Christmas tree with glasses by a Year 1 pupil - that's right we are thinking of Christmas already!

    - A child learning from home still taking part in the "Act Your Age" challenge by learning 9 ways of saying hello in 9 different languages!

    - Year 6 pupils "smashing" addition and subtracting fractions with different denominators (Yes!). 

    - Reception joining Joe Wicks on Friday.

    - A kind-hearted staff member making treats for her fellow staff members! Thank you!!

  • Week 8

    Wed 11 Nov 2020

     Back to school, and a focus on assessments, which isn't to say that we didn't have our share of fun (see pictures). 

     Creating scientific periscopes in Year 6? Tick. 

    Year 3 pupils sharing their sequencing and coding? Big Tick

    Year 4 braving the foggy mornings by performing freeze frames? Another big tick. 

    I even got to listen to Reception class recite some ONOMATOPOEIA to do with sounds that one would hear on bonfire night. 

     Finally, some fabulous writing from year 5, and a very proud young mathematician. 

  • Week 7

    Fri 16 Oct 2020

     St Meryl were scientists, artists, mathematicians, authors and eye ball creators (!) this week. 

     Staring in Year 6 - studying the human eye, pupils were able to tell the functions of different parts, and then even their own eyeballs using salad pots (without the salad in them), and other recycled materials. 

      Year 5 came up with inventive ways of streamlining their water vessels so that they could cut through the course created in a water tray (gratefully borrowed from Early Years).

     Year 4 have been a creative bunch this week - yet again producing artwork that stunned me. Some excellent, excellent work. 

     Year 3 can now confidently comment on capacity! A very tricky concept to learn. I will be around next week to see if you can remember it, Year 3!

     Year 2 have been superstars both at school, and at home - the story maps I saw this afternoon were so imaginative! 

     Year 1 were also amazing artists - it was such a peaceful atmosphere when I walked past that I really wanted to join in! (I couldn't, though. Thanks, COVID-19.)

     Finally, Early Years were out and about, solving problems, working hard and learning to take turns! 

     Thanks for all your hard work this week, St Meryl!

  • Week 6

    Fri 09 Oct 2020

     Just a quick news item, as the camera is not being very co-operative this week! 

     Well done to all the Early Years pupils, who have all been working so very hard on their writing this week! I went down to Nursery, and joined in with the fruit tasting after they had all read Handa's Surprise together - then they all wrote about it. Some children were even sent to me to show me their fabulous efforts!

     Year 1 spent some of their time acting as animals, something that was very well received by the whole school as we watched them in our Star of the Week Assembly video. 

     We were also impressed by the bug hotels that Year 2 created in Science. I have just had a check, and there are currently no vacancies - most are sheltering from the inclement weather. There are certainly no COVID-19 restrictions when it comes to our mini beast friends. Some of our eight legged St Meryl family members have even ventured into the classrooms this week. 

     Year 5 have been experimenting with boats, and adapting how well they can float and move; and Year 6 have been refining some descriptive writing about food which has caused us to all have rumbling tummies, and a few suggestions to adapt our dinner menu..

  • Week 5

    Fri 02 Oct 2020

     Sunday 4th October is National Poetry, so (deep breath) here goes: 


    Year 4 have been scientists of late,

    Checking if gas had any weight, 

    They measured fizzy drinks galore, 

    When drinks had bubbles - they weighed more!


    Year 1 are writing quicker and quicker,

    Two children even got Head Teacher stickers,

    And what did I hear at lunch today?

    The deafening sounds of YMCA. 


    Year 6 have turned their hand to paint,

    With water colours - oh, how quaint!

    Year 3's DT (those clever kids), 

    Made 3D shapes and pyramids.


    And even in these strange, strange days, 

    We all made things for Maths displays.


    Yes - in these times of this pandemic,

    We'll still be proudly academic.

    Even with impending peril,

    We'll stay strong 'cos we're St Meryl!


    (mic drop)


  • Week 4: Autumn is Coming..

    Fri 25 Sep 2020

     There was a multitude of learning that occurred at St Meryl this week. The more the week went on, the more children came to see me (in a socially distanced environment) with some of their fabulous work. I saw portraits. I heard singing from down the hallway. A young man demonstrated his computer programming skills to his class (and myself, via a video link). We could even hand out the tidiest cloakroom award (well done, Year 5!) and the attendance award (super job, Year 3!). Slowly, things are getting back to normal - even the weather is starting to feel a bit more "late Septemberish". 

     We continue to be very proud of the way that children are staying in their bubbles and frequently washing their hands. I often forget how drastically different school life is at the moment - yet the happy, positive, calm St Meryl spirit is still there for all of us to see. Stay this way please, everyone!

  • Week 3: Getting More and More Normal

    Fri 18 Sep 2020

     While some children still learnt from home (and have made us ALL proud with  their AMAZING Remote Learning, I might add), the rest of us have showed some great classwork this week. 

     All the adults that work in Early Years have been full of praise for how rapidly the children have learnt new routines, and settled so quickly. There was a buzz of activity this afternoon when I called by - reading, constructing, being creative with colour - it was like a "party of learning"(copyright Mr Davies). 

     Friday afternoons are a good time to see the artwork happening in the school. We had Year 1 recreating Matisse's "The Snail", by choosing their own animals to represent with shapes. Year 2 were sketching self-portraits, many looking like mirror images of themselves. Year 3 were recreating some 3D shape sketches (very challenging!) and Year 5 were being artistic with their Scratch programs, creating games which may or may not be available in the forthcoming PS5 release of titles. 

     Year 6 had a very valuable circle time to end the week - something that we will all be continuing to do as we make the transition from lockdown to learning. Earlier in the day, just for fun, they tried an arithmetic challenge. Some children, in their words, "smashed it!"

      Amongst all this throughout the week, I read a fantastic descriptive story in Year 2, and was sent evidence of some crucial Home Learning - making a stocking for a pet hamster. Surely too early to think of winter festivals...?

  • Week 2

    Fri 11 Sep 2020

     Children have settled into their new classes, and completed their first full week back. Although things are still different to normal, we have all been adapting to new ways of learning. 

     Year 2 have been writing "What is" poems, and they have illustrated them so well!

     Year 4 have been also been writing poems, as well as creating some wonderful art. 

